Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wes Simpson

Merit Book Center was lucky to have as one of its employees Wes Simpson. Here you will find many of his editorial cartoons that appeared in the Michigan Chronical and art that he sketched while working at Merit. If anyone knows what became of Wes please let us know - we would really like to contact him!

More to come...

Lou Gordon's Scope Magazine

...and Merit's SCOPE Ad...

Merit Advertising

More to come....

Sam D'Angelo at Ludington News Co.

Merit Book Center Protestors!

Merit's favorite protestor, the creepy Donald Lopsinger, was single handledly responsible for a bunch of 'free advertising' for the store. But, not free advertising. The cost was heavy in aggravation and legal expenses. Anyone know what became of this creep?

One of Lopsinger's many protests outside the Merit store:

Letter written to the Attorney General requesting help with the protests...

14365 Harper corner of Chalmers

Merit Book Center Calendars